Barren Island – Thursday, September 12th
B A R R E N I S L A N D T H U R S D A Y S E P T E M B E R 1 2 | 6 : 3 0 P. M. R I N Y P L B R A N C H ________________ S P E A K E R : C a r o l Z o r e f f From the mid-19th century until the 1930s, there was a factory island in Jamaica Bay where large animals were rendered into glue and fertilizer. Carol Zoref discusses her book about the immigrant families who worked in the factory and lived their entire lives on Barren Island, in a world that no longer exists. The lecture is FREE and open to the public. It is the fourth and final in Society’s annual series of spring lectures, which is supported by funds provided by Amalgamated Bank, Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation’s I Public Purpose Fund and New York City Council Member Ben Kallos, with funding from the New York City Department of Youth and Community Development. |

— Mark your calendar for the next round of public lecture events hosted by the RIHS on: February 13th, January 9th, December 12th, and November 14th. Stay tuned for more information about each program. —