

Monday, April 20, 2020 – The Schetlins at Metropolitan Hospital 1921-1943

By admin

 April 20th, 2020


RIHS‘s 30th Issue of

Included in this issue: 

The Schetlins at Metropolitan Hospital 1921-1943

“City in Itself”

Traveling by Ferry
The Schetlins return to the City Home Grounds 1943-1950

The FDNY on Blackwell’s / Welfare Island
From Blackwell’s Almanac FDNY Archives


The Schetlins
at Metropolitan Hospital 

ABOVE: The Met with its’ tennis courts and areas for outdoor activities.
Building where Henry Schetlin worked at Metropolitan Hospital
This may be the staff house where the Schetlins lived while Henry worked at the Met.
The Lighthouse in the 1950’s
Draper Hall where the Metropolitan Hospital School of Nursing students lived and studied
Draper Hall
View of Cottage Row from Central Nurses Residence
The new Goldwater in the 1940’s.


From Our November, 2018 Edition
by Anne Cripps

Additional Images of the FDNY Training Center 
Enjoy the Visions of Training in the 1960’s


Judith Berdy

We have been thanking doctors and nurses for the last month.
It is now time to thank every person who had worked thru this pandemic in a hospital or nursing home.  These facilities only work with team spirit.

We start with the person who risked their health to bring you to the hospital, the porter there to  clean the lobby, the hospital police to guide you, the admissions clerk to admit you, the transport person to take you to your room, the aide to help you, the nurse/PA/LPN to treat you,  the kitchen staff to feed you, the engineer to warm or cool your room, the maintenance crew to remove hazardous materials, the lab person to take specimens, the social  worker to guide  you, the aide who makes you comfortable numerous times a day, the specialists to diagnose you, the therapist to move your body, the pharmacist to prepare your medications, the nice lady who brings you magazines, the cashier who sends your bill to insurance, the nurses who cheer as you leave and the ambulance staff that takes you home!

In our world of minimal medicine and ambulatory everything, we have forgotten what health care really is . It is CARE from every person.

All images used in FROM TH ARCHIVES are from the collection of the Roosevelt Island Historical Society. Please respect copyrights (c) and request permission for reproduction. We will advise original sources where available.

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