

Weekend, February 8-9, 2025 – Our classic structures of the city are revealed

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Exploring the Geographic Images Collection

Weekend,   February 8-9, 2025

One of the best, if at times maddening parts of any reference librarian or archivist’s job is solving a mystery. What appears at first to be just another query turns into a bona fide challenge. My colleague and I had one such query recently, involving a photo of a clapboard house on East 83rd Street that was incorrectly identified on the back, in pencil, as the Constable House. Eventually we were able to determine that it was in fact a house that belonged to a host of owners, and remained on its plot in the shadow of Fifth Avenue high-rise apartment buildings well into the 1950s.

Thus reveals the magic of the Department of Prints, Photographs and Architectural Collections’ Geographic Images Collection (formerly called the Geographic File). With 160 boxes and 124 flat folder drawers, it is one of the Department’s largest collections, consisting of both prints and photographs of streetscapes and aerial views of cities around the world and across the country, but its strength is New York City prints and photos. It has been culled from myriad sources over the years (including donations from Christopher Gray’s Office for Metropolitan History) and is still being added to; the oldest material dates ca. 1600.

While this is the collection I pull for authors, graduate students and architectural preservationists, it is also the collection I pull when researchers come into the Reading Room hoping to find a photograph of their great-uncle’s bar/bakery/butcher shop. It is not exhaustive, but sometimes we hit pay-dirt. What makes the collection so interesting to me, though, is how random it is, frankly. It is both quaint and impressive. In an effort to prove my point, I pulled twelve images from just a single box–no. 34–of street views between 55th and 72nd Streets.

The first entry here is a print of the Brevoort Estate and its surroundings, including the Youle Shot Tower, which manufactured the “lead shot” used in ammunition, on East 54th Street and First Avenue, ca. 1830. The shot tower was designed by John McComb.

Brevoort Estate and Youle Shot Tower, East 54th Street ca. 1820s; Geographic Images Collection, PR-20, box 34, New-York Historical Society.

National Broadcasting Company, Fifth Avenue and 55th Street ca. 1930; Geographic Images Collection, PR-20, box 34, New-York Historical Society.

This charming three-story house was at 134 East 56th Street. Looking at this small photo, one can’t help wonder about the former occupants; what kind of life they lived? Who took this photo and why? The site is occupied by a typical 1960s white-brick apartment building now, but on the street level there is a small pizzeria I happened into one night last summer. It’s funny to think of all the history that exists in one tiny spot.

On the other side of Fifth Avenue, at 58-68 West 56th Street we have a photograph of five 5-story buildings that were once homes of prominent New Yorkers. These buildings still stand and many restaurants and shops are in business on the ground floor.

North on 57th Street, now affectionately known as “Billionaire’s Row,” are two photos that I find particularly interesting: one of the Osborne Flats apartment building at 205 West 57th Street ca. 1890, and the other of “Midtown Chevrolet” at the northwest corner of Broadway and 57th Street, in December 1967. I walk by both of these buildings on a daily basis and it’s fascinating to see so many vacant lots surrounding the Osborne Flats, and to think that there was a time one could buy a Chevy on Broadway and 57th.  Today the address of the Chevrolet building is “3 Columbus Circle” and the entire facade is sheathed in glass.

Midtown Chevrolet, 3 Columbus Circle, 1967; Geographic Images Collection, PR-20, box 34, New-York Historical Society.

Next up is a photo of car 638 of the Third Avenue Railway System on East 59th Street, just south of the Queensboro Bridge (a.k.a. the “59th Street Bridge,” but, officially, the “Ed Koch Queensboro Bridge”). This picture is dated March 12, 1942; after the line was replaced by buses in 1946, this car, along with 42 others, was sent to Vienna to help rebuild their fleet of trolleys after WWII.  Also of note here: the gas tanks on East 61st Street, at left.

Here is a sweet photo of a man shoveling snow off the platform of the 66th Street station on the Eighth Avenue “El,” ca. 1935.West 66th Street, Eighth Avenue El (now Columbus Avenue), ca. 1935; Geographic Images Collection, PR-20, box 34, New-York Historical Society.

At one point, there existed the Clinton & Schermerhorn Chapel on East 67th and Avenue A, as it was known at the time (now York Avenue).

For a time there stood a beautiful mansion on Madison Avenue and 67th Street; it is now yet another white-brick apartment building.

243 West 70th Street, ca. 1970; Geographic Images Collection, PR-20, box 34, New-York Historical Society.

Finally we have a photo of the former Tiffany Mansion, ca. 1887, which stood on the northeast corner of Madison Avenue and 72nd Street for a little over 50 years.  The mansion had 57 rooms and was designed by Stanford White, of the architectural firm McKim, Mead & White.

photo: portland loo

This or some similar design is appropriate similar to the comfort stations at Southpoint Park and Lighthouse Park.



The post is by Jill Reichenbach, Reference Librarian for the Department of Prints, Photographs and Architectural Collections

All image are copyrighted (c) Roosevelt Island Historical Society unless otherwise indicated

Copyright © 2024 Roosevelt Island Historical Society, All rights reserved.Our mailing address is:




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Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge:



Beautifully Simple

Construction on the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge. PR 20, Geographic Images Collection, New-York Historical Society

Among the many treasures in the Department of Prints, Photos and Architectural Collections in the Klingenstein Library is the Architect & Engineer File, which, as the name suggests, is a collection of architectural and engineering drawings culled over many years from myriad sources.

While retrieving other material in this collection for a researcher a couple months ago, I happened upon a folder of graphite drawings for the future Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge. (The spelling of the name was recently corrected to include the second ‘z’!) Their creator, Dr. Erwin T. Mullerin, donated the perspective studies to the Society in 1975. Created on waxed trace paper between 1960-1962, the largest is 21 x 38 inches. While not technical, the drawings are beautiful in their elegance and simplicity, reminiscent of fine art prints.

When the lower deck was completed in 1964, the suspension bridge, which connects Staten Island to Brooklyn, and hence, the rest of New York City, was the longest in the world. It was so long, in fact, that engineers had to factor in the curvature of the earth when designing it. Though this is no longer true (it is presently the 14th longest bridge), it retains the notable distinction of being the only bridge ships have to pass under to enter New York Harbor from abroad, which accounts for its name; it honors Giovanni de Verrazzano, the first European explorer to do so.

Construction on the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge. PR 20, Geographic Images Collection, New-York Historical Society

Detail of “Perspective Study, Retaining Wall at Ramp K, Brooklyn Anchorage,” 1961. PR 53, Architect &Engineer File, New-York Historical Society

Perspective Study detail of access road to Shore Parkway. PR 53, Architect & Engineer File, New-York Historical Society

Detail of Brooklyn approach to Verrazzano Bridge perspective study. PR 53, Architect & Engineer File, New-York Historical Society

Detail of Verrazzano Bridge East Tower perspective study. PR 53 Architect & Engineer File

Swirling dancers entertained the Coler residents today celebrating Lunar New Year. A fun afternoon with lots of colorful entertainment.



The post is by Jill Reichenbach, Reference Librarian for the Department of Prints, Photographs and Architectural Collections

All image are copyrighted (c) Roosevelt Island Historical Society unless otherwise indicated

Copyright © 2024 Roosevelt Island Historical Society, All rights reserved.Our mailing address is:




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Appalling Disaster:

An 1871 Staten Island Ferry Disaster

Appalling Disaster: An 1871 Staten Island Ferry Disaster

The following is from the Harpers Weekly of August 12, 1871. It was transcribed by Hudson River Maritime Museum contributing scholar Carl Mayer.

About half past one Sunday afternoon, July 30, [1871] the Staten Island ferry boat Westfield was lying quietly in her slip at the foot of Whitehall Street, New York. Over four hundred souls were on board, lured by the delightful weather from their crowded homes to breathe the pure sea air and enjoy the grass and shade of the uncontaminated country.

Everything was in readiness for the start. The captain was at his post, the engineer was on his way to the engine room, men were standing ready to unhook the chains, when suddenly there came a terrible crash, and in an instant the steamer was a wreck.

Those who witnessed the disaster say that first there was a dull crunching sound, somewhat like that made by the fall of a large building, followed immediately by the sharp hiss of escaping steam.

The main deck was forced upward for a considerable distance; the beams and planks were torn into fragments. Many of them were thrown high into the air, and fell back in a confused mass into the hold.

The pilot house, which was directly over the boiler, was hurled into the air to a great height, and falling back upon the hurricane deck was shattered to pieces.

The pilot was in the house, and yet, strange to say, aside from a few severe scratches and contusions and a severe shock, escaped unhurt. He could scarcely believe that he was not mortally injured, as he crawled from the ruins and saw the havoc and desolation that had been made.

The heavy smoke stack was also blown high in the air and fell into the general wreck. The escaping steam filled the boat, and many were scaled who would have otherwise escaped unhurt.

The part of the boiler which gave way was opposite the fire box, and toward the bow of the boat. Such was the force of the explosion that a piece of the upper half of the shell of the boiler, twenty feet in length and weighing two tons, was hurled forward a distance of twenty-five fee, and lodged in the bow. The fracture apparently started at a place where the boiler was patched to cover a defect.

A majority of the passengers were collected on the main deck, directly over the boiler. These were blown into the air to the height of thirty or forty feet, falling back into the wreck, or into the water. Happy were those who died instantly! Scores of men, women, and children who escaped the full force of the explosion were immediately enveloped in a scalding cloud of steam.

The scene of the boat was harrowing. Groans and loud screams of agony came from the scalded, wounded, and dying. Parents were eagerly seeking their children, children for parents, friends for friends. Many in their panic leaped overboard, some were rescued by boats that surrounded the wreck, while others sank at once and were drowned.

The Police and Fire departments called upon for assistance, and at once furnished men and means to convey to the hospitals such sufferers who could be moved.

A pitiable sight they presented when brought upon the docks. Many had the skin almost entirely scalded from the face, neck, and breasts. Others had lost portions of their hair, from the scalp literally being parboiled and peeled off. Others were covered with ghastly wounds, and all were begrimed with soot and dust.

As fast as possible the sufferers were removed to the hospitals, where the utmost that surgical skill could do was done to relieve them. In spite of every attention, many died after their removal. The number of the victims has not been fully ascertained. It is thought that between forty and fifty were killed outright, and that the list of fatalities may be swelled to a hundred by deaths in the hospital.

The cause of the explosion has not been ascertained. Various surmises are afloat in regards to it. Only two months ago, the United States inspector of boilers inspected the Westfield and pronounced it safe.

The engineer, a colored man, is said to be capable and trustworthy. He states that just before the explosion took place, he found the water in the boiler all right, and the steam gauge indicating a pressure of twenty-seven pounds.

A fragment of the boiler picked upon the dock was pronounced by good judges to be unsound iron. It was taken to police headquarters to be produced before the coroner’s jury, when the questions of cause and responsibility will be fully inquired into

Swirling dancers entertained the Coler residents today celebrating Lunar New Year. A fun afternoon with lots of colorful entertainment.



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Copyright © 2024 Roosevelt Island Historical Society, All rights reserved.Our mailing address is:




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Sculptor. The country’s most famous exponent of Art Deco, he embraced archaic vocabularies of Greek, Roman, and Indian art to create decorative, stylized, Neoclassical works. The statue in the fountain in New York City’s Rockefeller Plaza, Prometheus (1933) is one of his famous works.

Joan Stahl American Artists in Photographic Portraits from the Peter A. Juley & Son Collection (Washington, D.C. and Mineola, New York: National Museum of American Art and Dover Publications, Inc., 1995)

Rainey Memorial Gate (4372257682).jpg

The Rainey Memorial Gate at the Bronx Zoo in Bronx, New York – By American sculptor Paul Manship 1934

Artist Biography

By the time he was fifteen years old, Paul Manship had decided he wanted to become a sculptor. He was born the day before Christmas, in 1885, in St. Paul, Minnesota, the youngest of seven children. After attending Mechanical Arts High School, he took evening classes at the St. Paul Institute School of Art, but left to work as a designer and illustrator.

In 1905 he enrolled in the Art Students League in New York City and after a few months of formal study became an assistant to the sculptor Solon Borglum, whom he considered a critical influence on his work. After further study he received a three-year scholarship to study in Rome where he fell under the spell of Greek antiquity and the beauty of classicism. He traveled extensively before returning to the United States in 1912 where he became an immediate success, launching a career that would last fifty years.

The critics and public unanimously acclaimed him a major new talent. There was a rising tide of enthusiasm for his graceful work, and he sold all of the ninety-six bronze statutes he showed in his first exhibition. One year later he received his first important commissions for garden and architectural sculpture from New York architects.

Early in his career Manship became attracted to animal sculptures and showed a great interest in mythical stories and characters. He became known for his freely modeled forms and dramatic gestures. “I like to express movement in my figures. It’s a fascinating problem which I’m always trying to solve,” he said. He also noted, “I’m not especially interested in anatomy, though naturally I’ve studied it. And, although I approve generally of normally correct proportions, what matters is the spirit which the artist puts into his creation—the vitality, the rhythm, the emotional effect.”

Some of Manship’s well-known works are the Prometheus Fountain in Rockefeller Center, the gates to the entrances of the Bronx Zoo and the Central Park Zoo, and the Time and Fates Sundial and Moods of Time sculptures installed in front of Trylon and Perisphere at the 1939 World’s Fair in New York City.

Dancer and Gazelles by Paul Manship, 1916, bronze – National Gallery of Art, Washington – DSC09772.JPG

Luce Artist Biography

Paul Manship turned his attention from painting to sculpture after discovering that he was color-blind. As a teenager, he devoted so much time to sculpting that he neglected his studies and dropped out of school. Manship’s early work was influenced by Rodin’s expressive style, but when the younger artist was awarded a three-year internship at the American Academy in Rome, he had the opportunity to study Greek and Roman art firsthand. He fell in love with archaic Greek sculpture, and also studied Egyptian, Asian, and Assyrian art. The sculptures that Manship created from this point were unusual because they were very stylized but still representational. The artist’s work was hugely popular upon his return from Rome, and he sold all ninety-six pieces from his first show in New York. Manship worked on a number of monumental projects, and became an influential sculptor in America. Artists openly borrowed and applied his style in many media, especially in illustration. By the end of his career, Manship had produced more than seven hundred works and won many prestigious medals. One of his most famous pieces is the fountain sculpture Prometheus at Rockefeller Center in New York City.

Aero Memorial by Paul Manship, Philadelphia – DSC06528.JPG

Aero Memorial by Paul Manship, 1950. Currently located on Landsdowne Drive near Memorial Hall (West side of Fairmount Park), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

Group of Bears, Central Park, NYC – IMG 5750.JPG

“Group of Bears” by Paul Manship, in Central Park, New York City, New York, USA.
Sculptor: Paul Manship

Manship Maiden with Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree 2014.JPG

Mankind Maiden sculpture by Paul Manship (1936) with 2014 Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree and 30 Rockefeller Center in the background.

Prometheus statue Rockefeller Center.jpg

Prometheus by Paul Manship at Rockefeller Center. Ignore the construction equipment in front of the sculpture (at the lower right of the photo).

Girl w duck Rittenhs Sq.jpg

“Girl with a duck” statue by Paul Manship in the fountain at Rittenhouse Square in Philadelphia



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Copyright © 2024 Roosevelt Island Historical Society, All rights reserved.Our mailing address is:




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Walk up Fifth Avenue to about East 85th Street, and something enchanting will catch your eye. Just inside Central Park are two granite pillars flanking cast-iron gates decorated with animal sculptures.

Bears, deer, mice, squirrels, a frog, a fox, a wold, a crane, and a crow—these playful sculptures set against a backdrop of tree branches are inspired by the stories in Aesop’s Fables.

It’s an appropriate theme, as the gates open to the Ancient Playground, one of the Central Park’s 21 play areas for kids.

But the pillars have a curious inscription. One carries a dedication to the memory of a William Church Osborn, while the other pillar calls out his accomplishments: president of the Metropolitan Museum of Art from 1941 to 1947; president of the Children’s Aid Society from 1901 to 1949.

The pillar also notes that from 1910 and 1957 he was president of a group called the New York Society for the Relief of the Ruptured and Crippled.

The ruptured and crippled? Like institution and lunatic asylum, these Dickens-ish terms have been long abandoned by the medical establishment. But it made me wonder about the Society and to try to trace its origins.

That took me back to the New York City of 1863. With the Civil War in the backdrop, the newly formed Society founded a hospital led by an orthopedic surgeon, Dr. James Knight, in Knight’s own home on Second Avenue and Sixth Street.

In a city population of about 800,000, many people suffered from orthopedic problems and “ruptured” organs. That first year, more than 800 people sought help, including many children.

“Persons afflicted with ruptures, ulcerated legs [and] poor families having crippled children, suffering from spinal and paralytic affections, thronged our streets, dwellings and places of business, making revolting displays of their infirmities and misfortunes,” wrote Dr. Knight, according to this NYC Mayor’s Office page.

By 1875, the Society raised enough funds to open a much larger hospital on 42nd Street and Lexington Avenue, below. (Above, the third image shows the play area for children living at the hospital.)

William Church Osborn, a lawyer and philanthropist from a wealthy New York family, got involved with the Hospital for the Ruptured and Crippled around this time.

Under his leadership, he helped negotiate the selling of the second hospital and the 1912 construction of a new, more modern facility on East 42nd Street and Second Avenue.

In 1940, the hospital was renamed the Hospital for Special Surgery, which exists today on 70th Street east of York Avenue.

So what’s the connection between Osborn and the animal gates?

After Osborn’s death in 1951 at age 88, city officials decided to honor his long history of supporting children’s causes by commissioning the gates, which would grace a new playground to be built north of the Museum this avid art collector once led.

In 1953, the “Osborne Gates” were dedicated. They are the work of 20th century sculptor Paul Manship, whose animal and mythological figures in bronze can be found throughout Central Park.

In the 1970s, the gates were relocated to the Ancient Playground; the previous playground was demolished to make room for an expanded Met museum building

The kids scampering around the playground these days may not be able to read Osborn’s name inscribed in the pillar. But they meet eye to eye with the animals on the gates—which I imagine would charm the man they’re named for.



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Monday, February 3, 2025 – Just a charming alley of University Place

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From horse stables to art studios

to university housing,

the changing face of

Washington Mews

The Greek Revival row houses built on Washington Square North between 1829 and 1833, with their graceful stoops and elegant ionic columns, offered everything a wealthy New York family could want.

What would that be? Think spacious living quarters, backyard gardens, proximity to the theater, church, and fine shops, and assurance by the builders, who leased the land from Sailors’ Snug Harbor, that no factories would encroach on this residential enclave.

Elite residents also craved some distance from the filth overtaking lower city. And across the street was a lovely new park—the former potter’s field turned military parade ground, Washington Square. Access to the park was definitely a plus.

But for any New Yorker to live comfortably in the antebellum city, they needed a place to keep their horses and carriage, and possibly living space for the servants who tended to them.

So began the early years of Washington Mews, perhaps Greenwich Village’s most famous and photographed historic private lane.

Shortly after the row houses fronting Washington Square were completed, planning began for this back alley—an unusual concession in a city that was intentionally mapped out without alleys, as real estate was too precious to waste on horses and garbage.

Cutting a slender path between Washington Square North and Eighth Street, the Mews followed what had been a Lenape trail connecting the Hudson and East Rivers, according to James and Michelle Nevius’ Inside the Apple.

Once the Belgian block paving was in place, a row of two-story carriage houses were built—but only on the north side of the Mews (third photo). That kept the sound and stench of horses from intruding on the “deep rear gardens and extensions” of the Washington Square North houses, according to the Greenwich Village Historic District report.

Who were the well-heeled residents who parked their equipages here? Bankers and merchants, according to Village Preservation. The Row, as Washington Square North became known, enjoyed decades of status as one of the most desirable places to live.

But change was coming. In the 1850s, six new stables were built on the south side, freeing up space on the north side for the carriage owners living on Eighth Street, per the Greenwich Village Historic District report. No longer was it the exclusive lane of residents of The Row.

In 1881, city officials mandated that gates be built at the entrances of the Mews, clarifying its status as a private lane, wrote Christopher Gray in a 1988 New York Times Streetscapes column. (Fourth photo shows a gate on the University Place side.)

By now, artists were arriving; “the house and stable at 3 Washington Square North was demolished for a studio building in 1884,” stated Gray. Coinciding with the coming of the artists was the end of the horse and carriage era.

In 1916, Sailors’ Snug Harbor, which still owned the land, announced that “the little stables of the mews, whose usefulness has long since passed away,” will be converted into artists’ live-work studios, per Gray. ( Fifth image: 1917, looking toward University Place)

Artists like Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney, Edward Hopper, and Paul Manship did occupy the stables-turned-studios. More dwellings were constructed on the south side, and a renovation did away with many of the original brick facades in favor of stucco and the occasional ornamental tile.

Washington Mews’ next chapter began in 1949, when New York University purchased the alley—or the lease from Sailors Snug Harbor, as some sources state. Since then, school administrators have gradually transformed the cottages into faculty housing and facilities space.

Even though it’s a private street, the gates tend to be open during the day, so tourists and curious New Yorkers can wander through and imagine living inside this “charming little village,” as the Greenwich Village Historical District report describes it, isolated from city traffic.

If you stand still and concentrate, you might even sense the ghosts of the original horses clip-clopping on those Belgian blocks.


The Dutch of the early 17th century turned an edge of Manhattan wilderness into New Amsterdam. Although it lasted only 40 years, the colony had a profound and lasting impact on the future city of New York. From the start, people of many ethnicities filled its streets, trade and profit were paramount, and religious tolerance was the norm.

With Joyce Gold- Historian  and noted NYC Tour Guide

This program is free and open to the public.
TIme: 6:30 p.m.



[Fourth image: between 1890-1919, New York Historical; fifth image, MCNY X2010.7.1.5302]

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Copyright © 2024 Roosevelt Island Historical Society, All rights reserved.Our mailing address is:



Weekend, February 1, 2025 – Time to roll up your sleeves and wear elegant gloves

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Finding Women in the Archives:

Ladies’ Gloves

Do you have a pair of gloves on your holiday gift list? 

If so, you’re part of a long-standing tradition of giving and receiving gloves. What you might not realize is that these simple accessories have a history that is intimately entwined with women’s social mores in American society. After all, who could forget the opening scene of Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women, when Meg decides to present Marmee with “a nice pair of gloves” for Christmas, instead of getting anything for herself? 

Today, gloves are mostly cold-weather accessories, but in the 19th century middle-class and elite women wore gloves every time they left the house. These gloves were often made of silk or thin kid leather from the skin of a young goat or sheep, and meant to protect hands from sun rather than chill (for that, women often used  fur-lined mittens or muffs). Gloves also helped keep the hands soft and “ladylike”; by the mid-19th century such soft, pale hands were the mark of a woman who didn’t have to do her own housework. Later on in Little Women, when Meg’s father returns from fighting in the Civil War, he praises her burnt, blistered, and needle-pricked fingers as evidence of her hard work, both on the home front and for the Union cause by cooking, cleaning, and sewing. 

Paul Thompson, photographer. Rose O’Neill, 1914. Rose O’Neill Collection, PR-369, New-York Historical Society.

Her illustrations appeared in a number of notable periodicals including Harper’s, Life, Cosmopolitan, and a number of ladies’ home journals. Her success led to a full-time position with Puck, the humor magazine known for its political satire and anecdotes. While talented in various forms of art and continuing to freelance, it was the creation of one particular cartoon character that launched O’Neill into fame: the Kewpie Baby.

Chas. T. Jones advertisement, ca. 1895. Patricia D. Klingenstein Library, New-York Historical Society

Gloves made an excellent gift because a lady would need several different pairs in order to be properly outfitted. Kid leather was extremely delicate, prone to stretching, splitting, and tearing. Many of the most popular colors were also impractically light: white, fawn, tan, and gray were all considered “standard,” despite being terribly susceptible to stains. (Over the course of Little Women, the tomboy heroine Jo March ruins several such pairs of gloves with lemonade and coffee.) Moreover, women needed different gloves for everyday and evening wear. Evening gloves, especially those worn to the opera or to a concert, were often longer, and came with all sorts of different embellishments—they might be scented, ruffled, embroidered, beaded, or even printed with commemorative imagery to mark a very special occasion.

Left: Glove belonging to Elizabeth Shipton, 1850-1900. Kidskin, silk. New-York Historical Society, gift of Mrs. Edgar Saltus, 1917. 7ab. Right: Asher Durand, engraver. Glove worn at a ball to honor the Marquis de Lafayette, held at Castle Garden, September 14, 1824. Printed leather. New-York Historical Society purchase, Foster-Jarvis Fund, 1952.293.

However, a proper lady wouldn’t accept a gift of gloves from just anyone. Gloves could carry a hint of erotic charge: as British fashion historian Lucy Ellis writes, the glove “could provide a vital barrier between the sexes, preventing the frisson of touch and preserving modesty.” Returning once more to Little Women, this explains why Meg tells Jo, “Gloves are more important than anything else; you can’t dance without them,” before the sisters attend a fashionable party; and why we learn of Mr. Brooks’ romantic interest in Meg when Laurie reveals that he keeps one of her gloves in his breast pocket. It seems, then, that the exchange of gloves could be a sign of familiarity or intimacy. In the May 1852 issue of Godey’s Lady’s Book, the author claimed that this use of gloves hearkened back to a knightly time, when “chivalry wore [the glove] in its helm—at once a charm and token, the honorable badge of a woman’s love, invested with the potency of her virtues.” 

Sole Agents for New York City of the Genuine Foster Hook Glove,” ca. 1884. Patricia D. Klingenstein Library, New-York Historical Society

The popularity and ubiquity of gloves also provided jobs for women. These charming images from the Bella C. Landauer Collection of Business and Advertising Ephemera show smartly dressed “shop girls” at work selling gloves, part of the great influx of young unmarried women into retail jobs between 1880 and 1890.

The reality of these jobs was slightly less charming—retail workers had to fight for things like seats behind the counter, and lunch breaks lasting beyond a scant 20 minutes amidst long work hours. The women who worked in glove manufacturing organized against long hours and poor working conditions: Agnes Nestor, who worked as a glove-maker in Chicago during the 1890s, recalled sewing a dozen pairs of gloves an hour (at five minutes per pair) and trying to break the monotony of the work by singing “A Bicycle Built for Two.” Nestor and the other women glove-workers objected to their employers’ practice of charging them for the needles, oil, and even the power required to run their machines, and walked out. Their demands were met, and Nestor later became a well-connected labor leader and president of the International Glove Workers Union of America, lobbying for workers’ education, maximum work hours, a minimum wage, and women’s suffrage. 

As you wrap up your last-minute holiday shopping, we hope that you enjoy thinking a little bit about the history of this everyday object! The Center for Women’s History wishes you and yours a happy holiday season. 


The Dutch of the early 17th century turned an edge of Manhattan wilderness into New Amsterdam. Although it lasted only 40 years, the colony had a profound and lasting impact on the future city of New York. From the start, people of many ethnicities filled its streets, trade and profit were paramount, and religious tolerance was the norm.

With Joyce Gold- Historian  and noted NYC Tour Guide

This program is free and open to the public.
TIme: 6:30 p.m.



Jeanne Gutierrez, Curatorial Scholar, Center for Women’s History

All image are copyrighted (c) Roosevelt Island Historical Society unless otherwise indicated

Copyright © 2024 Roosevelt Island Historical Society, All rights reserved.Our mailing address is:




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Finding Women in the Archives:

Student Nurses

Nursing, which as a profession has long been associated with women, offered opportunities not only for education and employment, but leadership. Long before American women could vote, they were able to influence public policy, often through professional organizations, such as those formed by nurses in the early 20th century.

Student Nurses in the Orrin Sage Wightman Collection

In 1916, Dr. Orrin Sage Wightman, internist and avid photographer, made a series of photographs showing student nurses from City Hospital at work on Blackwell’s Island. Dressed in tall pleated caps and long aprons, the young women take care of patients, weigh babies, assist surgeons, make beds, fill bottles, and take cooking classes. A fascinating window into one of America’s earliest hospital-based nurse training programs, the photos depict a nurse’s daily routine at a time when the nursing profession was adjusting to a series of momentous changes.

Student nurses tend to babies on Blackwell’s Island, 1916. Orrin Sage Wightman Collection. New-York Historical Society Library.

Nursing Education in New York City

Although professional nurses were nothing new (George Washington’s ledgers detail the fees paid to nurses during the Revolution), the overwhelming demands of the Civil War had demonstrated the country’s urgent need for nurses trained in hygiene and patient care. The demand for trained nurses remained acute after the Civil War was over. As more and more people flocked to dense urban centers, public hospitals strained to cope with growing populations of sick and impoverished patients. In response, philanthropist Louisa Lee Schuyler, founder of the State Charities Aid Association, helped institute and fund a Training School for Nurses at Bellevue Hospital in 1873–74, the first such program in the United States. When City Hospital (then called Charity Hospital) opened its own School of Nursing in 1877, it became the nation’s fourth.

Initially, nursing education consisted of two to three years of practical training in patient care and cleanliness. As Wightman’s pictures indicate, the student nurses provided valuable labor, but the hospitals they worked in rarely hired them as staff nurses once they had graduated.

Student nurses tend to babies on Blackwell’s Island, 1916. Orrin Sage Wightman Collection. New-York Historical Society Library.

Nurses at Work in New York

While many graduates became private nurses—that is, nurses who were hired directly by patients on a temporary basis—by 1916 the range of job opportunities for nurses had increased. Lillian Wald, founder of the Henry Street Settlement, pioneered the field of public health nursing in 1893. (Wald is featured in our new women’s history film, We Rise, and her work in the settlement house movement is discussed in our Massive Open Online Course, Women Have Always Worked.) In 1901, the Army formally established its own Nurse Corps, and the Navy followed suit in 1908. Meanwhile, in 1902, Lina Roberts of New York City had become the first school nurse in the United States. Wald remained active into the 20th century: In 1909 she partnered with the insurance giant Metropolitan Life to employ home nurses to visit sick policyholders, and in 1912 she spearheaded a nationwide Public Health Nursing Service in partnership with the American Red Cross.  

Student nurses observe a surgery on Blackwell’s Island, 1916. Orrin Sage Wightman Collection. New-York Historical Society Library.

In keeping with their professional training, New York’s nurses formed a professional association—the first for nurses in the country— in 1901. By 1902, the New York State Nurses’ Association began to press for a law that would establish uniform standards for nursing education and practice. The resulting Nurse Practice Act provided for state examination and certification of nurses, and created the title of Registered Nurse. The first states to pass nurse registration laws—New York, North Carolina, Virginia, and New Jersey—all did so in 1903.

In 1905, the president of the New York Nurse Board of Examiners, Sophia Palmer, wrote that the state required nurses to be trained and examined in medical and surgical nursing, obstetrical nursing, the nursing of sick children, and “diet cooking for the sick.” Wightman’s photographs show the student nurses engaged in just such activities during their training on Blackwell’s Island.

A nursing student tends to an infant on Blackwell’s Island, 1916. Orrin Sage Wightman Collection. New-York Historical Society Library

Nursing on Blackwell’s Island

In Wightman’s time, the city was about to rebrand Blackwell’s Island (today known as Roosevelt Island), which had a fearsome reputation, with the benign-sounding moniker “Welfare Island.” In the 19th century, the island had been the grim home of a penitentiary. Its former inmates included the infamous abortion provider known as Madame Restell and the equally infamous anarchist Emma Goldman, both featured in our Women’s Voices exhibit. The island also housed a smallpox hospital, a workhouse, and the city’s Lunatic Asylum. In 1887, the island’s asylum had been the subject of journalist Nellie Bly’s “Ten Days in a Mad-House,” a chilling exposé which detailed the inadequate food and clothing given to patients, overcrowding within the facility, and mistreatment from the nurses on staff. Bly’s investigation, part of a larger reassessment of how the city coped with problems of poverty and illness, helped spur desperately needed institutional reforms.

Nursing students at a patient’s bedside on Blackwell’s Island, 1916. Orrin Sage Wightman Collection. New-York Historical Society Library.

Nursing Reforms in City, State, and Nation

One reform that did not take place until the mid-20th century was desegregation. Until 1923, the privately funded Lincoln School for Nurses in the Bronx was the only institution in New York City that trained African American women. Founded in 1898, it was the first school of its kind in the United States. (Mary Eliza Mahoney, the country’s first professionally trained African American nurse, graduated from Boston’s New England Hospital for Women and Children in 1879 under a quota system that admitted one African American woman and one Jewish woman per class.) To press for the end of racial discrimination in the nursing profession, in 1908 fifty-two women formed the National Association of Colored Graduate Nurses in New York. However, it was not until World War II that severe nursing shortages caused state-level nursing associations to admit African American members, and it was not until the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964 that the federal government mandated desegregation in hospitals and nursing schools.

Student nurses on Blackwell’s Island, 1916. Orrin Sage Wightman Collection, New-York Historical Society Library.

–Jeanne Gutierrez, Center for Women’s History

This post is part of our new series, “Women at the Center,” written and edited by the staff of the Center for Women’s History. Look for new posts every Tuesday! #womenatthecenter


The Dutch of the early 17th century turned an edge of Manhattan wilderness into New Amsterdam. Although it lasted only 40 years, the colony had a profound and lasting impact on the future city of New York. From the start, people of many ethnicities filled its streets, trade and profit were paramount, and religious tolerance was the norm.

With Joyce Gold- Historian  and noted NYC Tour Guide

This program is free and open to the public.
TIme: 6:30 p.m.

The center building of the Nurses Home (Smallpox Hospital) was named in honor of Louisa Schuyler, Schuyler Hall.  



–Jeanne Gutierrez, Center for Women’s History

This post is part of our new series, “Women at the Center,” written and edited by the staff of the Center for Women’s History. Look for new posts every Tuesday! #womenatthecenter

All image are copyrighted (c) Roosevelt Island Historical Society unless otherwise indicated

Copyright © 2024 Roosevelt Island Historical Society, All rights reserved.Our mailing address is:




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Rose O’Neill,

Mother of the Kewpie

When Rose O’Neill’s illustrations appeared in True Magazine on September 19, 1896, she made history by becoming the first female cartoonist to publish a comic strip in America. A self-taught artist, O’Neill (1874-1944) had spent her childhood studying artists and submitting her work to various periodicals around the country. She set out for New York City at the age of nineteen with the intention of becoming a writer. Although she would publish numerous works throughout her career, she quickly impressed publishers with her drawings and was able to start a career as an illustrator.

Paul Thompson, photographer. Rose O’Neill, 1914. Rose O’Neill Collection, PR-369, New-York Historical Society.

Her illustrations appeared in a number of notable periodicals including Harper’s, Life, Cosmopolitan, and a number of ladies’ home journals. Her success led to a full-time position with Puck, the humor magazine known for its political satire and anecdotes. While talented in various forms of art and continuing to freelance, it was the creation of one particular cartoon character that launched O’Neill into fame: the Kewpie Baby.

Woman’s Home Companion (May 1913). Object Number: 2018.51.3, New-York Historical Society.

The Kewpies made their first appearance in the December 1909 issue of Ladies’ Home Journal and became an instant sensation amongst readers of all ages. While their style was seen in some of O’Neill’s earlier characters, the creation of “Kewpieville” allowed her to write comics that focused on moral values and kindness. The comics were continuously published in Ladies’ Home Journal, Woman’s Home Companion, and Good Housekeeping well into the 1930s. The Kewpie Doll was soon created in 1913, resulting in a wave of toys, advertisements, and household goods portraying the characters. The Kewpies also became an unofficial mascot for the Woman’s Suffrage Movement, thanks to O’Neill’s involvement. Kewpie posters made an appearance with messages supporting the Women’s Right to Vote while several comics featured feminist-themed plots.

One of several posters created during the Woman’s Suffrage Movement that featured the Kewpie babies. Rose O’Neill Collection, PR-369, New-York Historical Society.

O’Neill made $1.4 million from her Kewpie creations, making her the highest-paid and wealthiest cartoonist of her time. All the while she continued to produce works of art that were much more “serious” in nature. Her success as an artist, writer, and cartoonist allowed her to develop a very lavish lifestyle, placing her in the center of the New York art world, but O’Neill eventually faced financial difficulties during the Great Depression. She died from complications of a stroke in 1944. Production of the Kewpie dolls continued through the 20th century. They remain a familiar part of popular culture all over the world.

“Ramming them back into their desks” (undated). Rose O’Neill Collection, PR-369, New-York Historical Society.

Untitled drawing, 1900. Rose O’Neill Collection, PR-369, New-York Historical Society.

Untitled portrait of a woman (undated). Rose O’Neill Collection, PR-369, New-York Historical Society.

Man gazing at a portrait of a woman (undated). Rose O’Neill Collection, PR-369, New-York Historical Society.


The Dutch of the early 17th century turned an edge of Manhattan wilderness into New Amsterdam. Although it lasted only 40 years, the colony had a profound and lasting impact on the future city of New York. From the start, people of many ethnicities filled its streets, trade and profit were paramount, and religious tolerance was the norm.

With Joyce Gold- Historian  and noted NYC Tour Guide

This program is free and open to the public.
TIme: 6:30 p.m.



This post is by Erin Weinman, Manuscript Reference Librarian.
[For more, see the Guide to the Rose O’Neill Collection, 1900-1953 (PR 369).]

All image are copyrighted (c) Roosevelt Island Historical Society unless otherwise indicated

Copyright © 2024 Roosevelt Island Historical Society, All rights reserved.Our mailing address is:



Wednesday, January 29, 2025 –  WOMAN PHOTOGRAPHER WITH NO LIMITS

By admin

Jessie Tarbox Beals,

Pioneer Woman Photographer

Jessie Tarbox Beals, self-portrait with camera. Jessie Tarbox Beals photograph collection, ca. 1905-1940, PR-4, New-York Historical Society. [Click image for higher resolution scan.]

Jessie Tarbox Beals was a woman of many firsts. A pioneer of photography, she was the first published female photojournalist in the United States, the first woman press photographer, and the first female night photographer. The Jessie Tarbox Beals photograph collection, ca. 1905-1940, PR-4, at the New-York Historical Society is available through our Shelby White and Leon Levy Digital Library.

Beals was born in 1870 in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Her father, John Nathaniel Tarbox, was a sewing machine manufacturer, and inventor of the portable sewing machine. Jessie Tarbox Beals moved to Massachusetts when she was 17 to become a teacher, a job she held for roughly 12 years. She got her start in photography by chance, when she won a small camera in a contest. She was immediately intrigued and began taking portraits of local students at a low price. Once she caught the photography bug, Beals never looked back. Her first credited work is in the Vermont newspaper the Windham County Reformer in 1900. In 1902, she was hired as a photographer for two newspapers in Buffalo, New York; The Buffalo Inquirer and The Buffalo Courier.

Beals was no doubt a tough woman, and quite the hustler. She always went the extra mile for her photographs. She did not have one particular focus, and her photos contain a wide number of subjects; such as major events (e.g., the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition), outdoor photography (e.g., houses and gardens), architecture, Greenwich Village, children, and urban poverty. According to the Library of Congress’s own post about her, she carried around a 50-pound (8×10 format) camera for her assignments–definitely not equipment for the faint of heart!

Three cafes and their owners on the corner of Washington Place. A Busy Corner in Greenwich Village, Will o’ the Wisp Tea Room, Idee Chic [?], Aladdin Tea Room. Jessie Tarbox Beals photograph collection, ca. 1905-1940, PR-4, New-York Historical Society. [Click image for higher resolution scan.]

Beals moved to New York in 1905 and made a name for herself in the New York scene by first opening a portrait studio, and then by taking portraits of prominent artists (a job commissioned by American Art News). She later moved to Greenwich Village, opening a tea room and art gallery in 1917. Much of her work during this time was freelance, and she spent her days capturing the artistic nature of Greenwich Village. She focused on educational and arts programs aimed at progressive reform initiatives. She also contributed to the New York Times by submitting scenic photographs of architecture, street scenes, and gardens.

W. H. Wells 265 W. 11th; 10 year old pear tree 4 stories high, started flowering and fruiting again, special treatment by Mr. Wells. Jessie Tarbox Beals photograph collection, ca. 1905-1940, PR-4, New-York Historical Society. [Click image for higher resolution scan.]

Beals fit right in with the bohemians of Greenwich Village and enjoyed the artistic, free spirit of the neighborhood. She got on well with the likes of Sinclair Lewis and Edna St. Vincent Millay. Since Beals didn’t specialize in one area, choosing instead to take a wide variety of photos, her collection is particularly rich for setting the scene of Greenwich Village in the early 20th century. Her photos are even used in other blog posts about other 20th century figures! For example, our blog post on Alice Foote MacDougall features photographs taken by Beals of the coffee shop mogul. She has captured images of four presidents (Theodore Roosevelt, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, and William Howard Taft), as well as other famous/prominent individuals such as Mark Twain, Ida M. Tarbell, General Pershing, and Fannie Hurst to name a few. No matter your interest, whether it is portraits, gardens, street scenes, fashion, or documentary photography, Beals has no doubt covered it.

Mark Twain. Jessie Tarbox Beals photograph collection, ca. 1905-1940, PR-4, New-York Historical Society. [Click image for higher resolution scan.]

It is thanks to fellow photographer Alexander Alland that Beals’ work did not fall into complete obscurity. Beals passed away in 1942, at the age of 71, in the charity ward at Bellevue Hospital. Much of her work was initially thought to be lost or destroyed. However, Alland bought many of Beals’ negative and prints from her heirs, and in 1978 published a biography entitled, Jessie Tarbox Beals: First Woman News Photographer. See through the eyes of Jessie Tarbox Beals, and glimpse history by heading over to our Digital Library now!

Dancing in Charley Reed’s Purple Pup, Greenwich Village. Jessie Tarbox Beals photograph collection, ca. 1905-1940, PR-4, New-York Historical Society. [Click image for higher resolution scan.]

This post is by Gina Modero, Reference Librarian for Printed Collections.


The Dutch of the early 17th century turned an edge of Manhattan wilderness into New Amsterdam. Although it lasted only 40 years, the colony had a profound and lasting impact on the future city of New York. From the start, people of many ethnicities filled its streets, trade and profit were paramount, and religious tolerance was the norm.

With Joyce Gold- Historian  and noted NYC Tour Guide

This program is free and open to the public.
TIme: 6:30 p.m.



All image are copyrighted (c) Roosevelt Island Historical Society unless otherwise indicated

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